Subtle, loud, hilarious, vengeful, conniving, adorable, street-smart – men in 2017’s Bollywood films flaunted...
Small roles – sometimes even the minuscule ones – have often been scene stealers in...
2017 is closing the curtains and talks are abound on how the year was...
“What?!!!! This is composed by Anu Malik? Really?” This is a statement I hear...
Mumbai city’s much-loved Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival has come to an end. This...
A man running a household is not conventional, even on this date. The father...
The biggest insight that cinema from the world gives you is about filmmakers and their...
For Hindi cinema, 2016 was unexpectedly mediocre. The big ones mostly came out cropper and...
2016 is going to be remembered as a year when the reigning Khans delivered...