Director Rojin Thomas’s Malayalam film #Home is an impressive case study. One that tells...
Directed by Aurelia Georges, La Place d’une autre (Secret Name) is a tale of...
One of the reasons why mainstream Bollywood is losing the foothold it once enjoyed...
There is nothing that equates to the tenderness of childhood. Our growing-up years are...
Director Niccolò Castelli’s Atlas opens with a rock-climbing expedition. It is vertigo-inducing and, for...
Elated to announce that Filmy Sasi will be covering the 74th edition of the...
Director Don Palathara’s Santhoshathinte Onnam Rahasyam is a film set entirely in a car....
In a tiny Rajasthani town called Shekhavati lives a beautiful dancer called Mimi (Kriti...
In a stirring scene in Mahesh Narayanan’s Malik, the leading man Sulaiman alias Ali...